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Write Date : 11-01-24 02:20
The violinists and pianists ........
 Writer : °ü¸®ÀÚ
View : 3,019  

The violinists and pianists ¨±their names you've heard regularly earn between $30, 000 and $50, 000 for a single performance. Rare ¨²are the musical organizations that can afford to hire those musicians for every concert,. So many orchestras turn to lesser-known musicians. Some of these musicians are full of talent and energy and they play ¨³much  better than some of the famous musicians. If your orchestra is hiring a soloist you haven't heard of, the chances are good ¨´that she's fantastic. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been chosen amoung ¨µthousands of musicians.


The violinists and pianists ¨±their whose names you've heard regularly earn between $30, 000 and $50, 000 for a single performance. Rare ¨²are the musical organizations that can afford to hire those musicians for every concert,. So many orchestras turn to lesser-known musicians. Some of these musicians are full of talent and energy and they play ¨³much  better than some of the famous musicians. If your orchestra is hiring a soloist you haven't heard of, the chances are good ¨´that she's fantastic. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been chosen amoung ¨µthousands of musicians.

* ¤¡) The violinists and pianists [whose names you've heard regularly] earn between ~

                 Á־                                                                                       µ¿»ç

   ¤¤) µµÄ¡¹®ÀåÀ¸·Î the musical organizations°¡ ÁÖ¾îÀ̹ǷΠµ¿»ç´Â º¹¼öµ¿»ç

   ¤§) much ´Â ºñ±³±Þ °­Á¶ (ÈξÀ), ºñ½ÁÇÑ ºÎ»ç·Î´Â even, still, far, a lot

   ¤©) that Àº Àý°ú ÀýÀ» ¿¬°áÇÏ´Â Á¢¼Ó»ç

   ¤±) ¼öõÀÇ : thousands of /  ¼ö¹éÀÇ : hundreds of


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°øÁö 2009Çг⵵ 3¿ù 2Çгâ Àü±¹ÇзÂÆò°¡ °ü¸®ÀÚ¡¡ 01-24 4884
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9 õÀç±³À° High School English 1,A for Listening °ü¸®ÀÚ¡¡ 03-11 1969
8 The violinists and pianists ........ °ü¸®ÀÚ¡¡ 01-24 3020
7 2009Çг⵵ 3¿ù 2Çгâ Àü±¹ÇзÂÆò°¡ °ü¸®ÀÚ¡¡ 01-24 4884
6 ¹®Á¦ 28 °ü¸®ÀÚ¡¡ 12-27 1224
5 µè±â ÆÄÀÏ °ü¸®ÀÚ¡¡ 11-28 1204
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2 INSTALLMENT-a payment of partof a debt Dr Kang¡¡ 11-20 1308
1 1¹øºÎÅÍ 17¹ø±îÁö´Â µè°í ´äÇÏ´Â ¹®Á¦ÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ¹æ¼ÛÀ» Àß..... Dr Kang¡¡ 11-20 1288